Masked Gandhiji and Masked Minds

Blind folding Mahatma Gandhi cannot mask the Truth. The Herald  shows a photo 
of none other then Subodh Kerkar at Azad Maidan holding a blind-folded potrait 
of the Mahatma. This artist politician is the man on the digital archives of 
Prudent Media who accused the Church of ulterior motives in fuelling the 
anti-mega projects agitatation in Goa. He had the guts to speak out what many 
masked goans have been secretly propagating but that does not absolve an artist 
of the violent thoughts he harbours. Having Gods of all religions in the living 
room does not necessarily mean tolerance ot all faiths and sincerity of 
motives. Modern economy is about selling Gods and selling Gandhiji to fool the 
unsuspecting masses. The Gods have become a decoration for the studios that can 
fetch a big prize from foreigners. 
Violence of the thought is as grave as armed violence according to Mahatma 
Gandhi. Violence at Fontainhas in the name of nationalism is no different from 
violence of the armed maksed goons at the city restaurant. The violence against 
Aires and Prajal is no different from the violence unleashed against the poor 
and defenceless villagers of Nuvem, Margao, Benaulim, Colva, Carmona, Cortalim 
and Siridao at the behest of builders, lawyers, bureaucrats,activists and 
politicians. The elite have time to make a show when the life of their likes 
are threatened, but the very same masked faces at Azad maidan will not consider 
that the poor and marginalised also have a right to life. The clinics and 
patients of doctors never suffer when it is an elite agenda. The swords and 
daggers at Moti Dongor are of greater relevance than the earth movers, mortar 
and steel bars that pound the village environment day in and day out. The 
demolition of Babri Masjid or the attack on churches may be of little relevance 
to Satish when compared to the masked agenda of political forces to grab power 
at any cost..  Silence against the injustice from builders, real estate and 
lawyers is also violence, more worse than the goons of Babush. Masked agendas 
and masked exploitation of  gullible goans at Azad maidan is also violence. 
Goans have had too much of this masked violence which time and again has been 
attempted from Azad Maidan and Lohia Maidan. The masked Goans were seen 
celebrating late night over dinner in a city club the victory of their masked 
exploits while those who innocently travelled to panjim from the christian 
lands of South Goa were back home ruminating the food for thought by masked men 
of politicians and builders. Goans shall definitely overcome violence when they 
unmask the forked tongues and minds that freely and proudly fly about town. 
Gandhiji may be blind folded but Truth can never be masked. We shall overcome.

-soter D'Souza

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