The Centre for Panchayat Raj condemns the brutal attack on Gram Sabha activist 
Mr. C.S. Barretto of Assagao village and demands a thorough inquiry from the 
government to nail the culprits involved in such criminal acts. The attack on 
Mr. Barretto only goes to prove the growing criminalisation in the Village 
Panchayats with the active support from the government authorities that are 
turning a blind eye to repeated complaints about irregularities and illegaties 
from the public. The government authorities have more than once been proved 
involved in subverting village democracy whether it be in the conduct of 
no-confidence motions or the elections to the vacant posts of Sarpanch and Dy. 
Sarpanch in the Village Panchayats. The government authorities have not 
initiated any steps to ensure that elected representatives declare their 
private assets before taking charge of public office. Widespread corruption and 
commission raj has been allowed to flourish with the active collaboration of 
the government authorities. This is then used by the very government as an 
excuse not to devolve the due opowers and responsibilities to the local bodies. 
CPR has been demanding that adequate measures for ensuring transparency and 
accountability are put in place by empowering the Gram Sabhas to bring the 
criminal activities in the villages under control. 

Soter D'Souza
Centre For Panchayati Raj - Peaceful Society
Kundaim, Goa

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