What happened at the Moira Gram Sabha is shameful more so because the Sarpanch 
is a learned advocate who cannot be said to be ignorant of the law. The over 
obliging police inspector over stepped his mandate. The Sarpanch can order 
withdrawal of a person under rule 16 for disregarding authority of person 
presiding,  obstructive or offensive conduct or interrupting the meeting by 
taking the assistance of the police . Only 'withdrawal' not 'detention'. Venita 
is not an anti-social or was not under influence of alcohol or mentally unsound 
that required her to be restrained by keeping her in police custody. Though the 
rule gives the powers  to the Sarpanch to remove a member it needs to used with 
utmost restraint. Even the Speaker of the Assembly or Parliament will first 
appeal for order repeatedly, then adjourns the meeeting and will use his power 
to remove a member only as a final resort. 
Another case for worry is the outraging of the modesty of a woman by some 
physically intimidating and abusive men. Sarpanch and the Gram Sabha members 
should have come to the rescue of the woman instead of being silent spectators. 
Everyone in the Gram Sabha are guilty of aiding and abetting the abuse and  
threats against the woman. If the Sarpanch knew that Venita was not eligible to 
attend the gram sabha why was he quiet until she spoke? What did the offensive 
article in the newspaper have to do with the issue of RP2021 being raised? Was 
the offensive article part of the agenda in the notice or included after 
required applications required under the rules? 
This all goes to prove that the Sarpanch and Gram Sabha members had malafide 
intentions to cause harm to Venita and suppress her freedom of speech. Such 
abuse against women is not uncommon. Over a year ago Anna Coelho, again a 
Coelho, was abused wih filthy language at the Socorro Gram sabha by a former 
Sarpanch. A compalint was lodged with the police and the Goa State Women's 
Commission. The women's rights groups are suprisingly silent on this Moira 
-Soter D'Souza

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