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I was a 6-year old when the Indian troops rode their tanks in front of my 
residence.  That is why I am saying what I am saying.  Goa did not get 

Who do you think represented Goa in Lisbon?  Do you know who Purxotoma Quenim 
was? Did you know that there was a Legislative assembly in Goa then? If not, 
talk to your seniors.

You can talk as much as you want about FFs.  The real fact remains that some of 
them would today be termed as terrorists, especially the members of Gomantak 
Azad Dal, who carried arms and explosives illegally (Ravindra Kelekar, I 
suppose your uncle, stated to Carlos Azeredo that he carried explosives and 
bombs on him, which makes him, in today's terminology, a terrorist who would be 
in prison under Indian POTA laws had they not been repealed). 

Karmali is reported to have been in prison for 4 years, but there are no 
reports under what charges he was put in prison. I suggest to the learned 
historians who might be reading this to research and put a proper perspective - 
I would definitely change my current attitude and post an apology if indeed 
Karmali was unjustly imprisoned. 

The other real fact was that your FFs did not gain any freedom for Goa. They 
agitated no doubt, but the fact remains that the Indian Army invaded Goa (the 
term invasion has been confirmed by the highest authority in India - you cannot 
deny it), and annexed Goa to India.  This was more to appease the Indian people 
(famines, failure of the 5-year plans, Chinese incursions into northern India, 
etc) and gain votes for Menon in the Feb 1962 elections; not necessarily to 
free the people of Goa. In your eyes, that might be freedom.   

But then, you do not really comprehend what happened afterwards, or you 
conveniently push it under the carpet. You may not have been born when Goans 
had then to fight for their survival via the Opinion Poll, but then you must 
have been present at the time of the Konkani agitation.  So, freedom for you 
was fighting for survival, more than once, *after* you have been "freed"? Does 
freedom for you mean the takeover of the erstwhile civilan airport by the 
Indian Navy for its own purposes? 

The trust I was talking about was the trust one has in one's fellow being - 
when he or she places trust in an authority to get things done, trust in one's 
"neighbour" that he/she will not rob you.  What do you have today? And don't 
talk about Gandhi. Rest of India, including his acolyte Nehru, betrayed him and 
the trust he placed in his followers. I could expand on this betrayal, but I 
OK, Karmali's issues are with Fundacao Oriente. As far as I am concerned, the 
Fundacao Oriente is an organisation that is similar to the British Council - 
please correct me if I err. Yet, nobody jumps up and down when the British 
Council holds exhibitions and concerts in Mumbai.  You and I are corresponding 
in English, yet there is not a whimper of discontent from you regarding the 
idiom. Yet, English is the language of a colonialist. Funny world we live in, 
isn't it?  Soon there's going to be Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010.  Has 
any Indian freedom fighter got up and start agitating against holding these 
alien games, considering the Commonwealth really stands for British 
Commonwealth of countries?  

Karmali talks of Goans going overseas on Portuguese nationality and their 
loyalties.  What about those thousands of other Indians who have obtained US, 
Australian, British and other nationalities? Where would their loyalties lie 
should there be a war between the those countries and India? Why doesn't he 
question them as well? 

I seriously suggest to those true FF to throw off their blinkers and see the 
real world - a world of friendship that needs to be cultivated and see it grow, 
not destroyed. Remember too, that building anything, even friendship, takes 
years; but destruction can take place in the space of a second. It might have 
taken a few hours of dedicated work to produce the azulejos, and mount them on 
a wall, besides a fair amount of money.  But it took someone, armed with an 
axe, to destroy them in a couple of seconds, for free. Think about it. 



--- On Tue, 11/11/08, Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Naguesh Karmali and Portuguese empregad
> Received: Tuesday, 11 November, 2008, 6:20 PM
> Where were you when Goa got freedom?
> The freedom in Inda allowed any citizen to stand for
> political office.
> Why didnt you stand for political office or participate in
> some way ?
> It is precisely because citizens have abandoned
> responsibility that the
> situation is as is.
> Dont blame the freedom fighters for it.
> You have abandoned responsibility and embraced Australia as
> your nation.
> Good for you. Leave us to deal with our problems.
> We dont want armchair criticism without any constructive
> action from guys who have abandoned all
> responsiblity/ownership of Goa/India.
> Also, what trust has been missing in India since pre
> 1947 ? India couldnt have produced a Gandhi in such
> circumnstances then.
> Also, dont accuse me of not knowing trust without any
> credible backing
> for your statements.
> regards,
> Samir
> --- On Tue, 11/11/08, Gabriel de Figueiredo
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Gabriel de Figueiredo
> > Subject: Re: [Goanet] Naguesh Karmali and Portuguese
> empregad
> > Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 10:26 AM
> > --- On Mon, 10/11/08, Samir Kelekar
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Samir Kelekar
> > > Subject: [Goanet] Naguesh Karmali and Portuguese
> > empregad
> > > To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> > > Received: Monday, 10 November, 2008, 7:23 PM
> > 
> > > Their sons are now sitting in Australia and UK
> and are
> > > teaching Indians
> > > freedom. 
> > 
> > Yes - we know what freedom with responsibility is.  I
> > suppose you have never known the concept of trust. 
> > Something that was present in Goa until a few years
> after
> > 1961, and something that has been sorely missing in
> India
> > since before 1947. 
> > 
> > > Get lost guys, no one in Goa is listening to you.
> > > You are not
> > > needed.
> > 
> > Sure, that's why I suppose I'm in Australia. 
> > Likewise, using the same logic, I wonder why some
> > India-lovers are abroad - they should be in India,
> loving
> > all that is Indian ...
> > 
> >  
> > > Gabriel, aren't Muslims human? 
> > They sure are.  Ask Shivaji (then) and the RSS goons
> (now)
> > who are committing worse atrocities today against the
> > Muslims, like ripping out babies from their
> mothers'
> > wombs ...  All I was doing is point out your
> irrational
> > logic. You cannot compare what happened 450 years ago
> to
> > what happens now.  
> > 
> > You are free to have the last word on this Samir. I
> will
> > not make any more comments on this topic. 
> > 
> > 
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