Special Status Hai Hai!

Attaining Special Status for Goa is definitely the need of the hour. But in an 
emotionally charged up atmosphere are Goans preparing themselves for yet 
another betrayal by politicians? Goans have witnessed betrayals time and again, 
be it with Konkanni, meta strips or with the promise of cleam governance. Goans 
have even elected dynamic social activists to the Goa legislative assembly only 
to see them behave like blind mice when in government. When they are out of 
power they start singing the most beautiful and soothing songs that melts the 
hearts of the Goan people. One such new song is called "Special Status". Where 
lie its origins and where will be its end will only be known to Goans once the 
State elections are over three years from now. From the external look of it and 
the politicians involved it seems to be a well thought out agenda for a 2012 
manifesto of opposition political parties. What is Orixtt Avaz today may only 
be Odruxtti Avaz after 2012 elections as the flag bearers of such labels are no 
other than those who have unexplained powers of making dead man rise to contest 
and an a unmatched mastery in political wheeling and dealing over the last 
several years, repeatedly taking the people of South Goa for a joy ride. And 
the movement for Special Status may only become a movement for Special 
Statements after 2012 State elections because the players are from the same 
Will Goans ever realise from past experiences? The games politicians play are 
the same that drug addicts and alcoholics play. The only diference is that one 
emotionally manipulates for drugs and alcohol whereas the other for power and 
money. The disease of addiction to power, money, drugs or alcohol is all about 
pressing the right buttons, ranging from love to hate, which will ensure the 
continued support to their nonsense. Considering the heightened frustration of 
the Goan people, throwing up a vey emotional issue of Special Status has all 
the possibility that the public blinded by their emotions will bite the bait. 
Goa needs Special Status but the agenda cannot be dictated by politicians and 
political groups but has to emerge from the people. Contradictions are already 
visible when nosies about freezing population are made, but there is not a 
sound about freezing land conversions, construction and mining. Because this is 
where the money for Goa's dirty and corrupt politics is generated. These 
politicans who pretend to cry for Goa will not bite the hand that feeds them. 
The Goan people need to be vigilant against these false prophets who hover 
around promising deliverance. Seeing priests dancing on these platforms should 
not lead Goans to conclude that the movement is genuine. 'Codepedency' in 
addiction can affect anyone including priests if they are afflicted by a denial 
of the truth which is a symptom of addiction that prevents recovery. Will 
'Special Status' be the agenda of the BJP in the next elections and are the 
grounds being prepared for this?  Just wait and watch. 

-soter d'souza

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