Who wants NGO accountability?

My attention was drawn to an article "Who's Holding NGOs accountable?" that 
appeared in a weekly tabloid of February 2009 and which was authored by one 
Shridhar who purportedly claims to be a social activist and a civil engineer by 
profession. He quotes a statement of Mao who says that 'revolution is not a tea 
party' and took the liberty to tailor this quote in the context of Goa's NGOs 
to remind that 'agitation is not a tea party'. 
As a person associated with social movements from my student days and later 
with NGOs, I would like to tell  this Shridhar that Mao may have been very 
right in the chinese context.  But in the Goan context  it will perhaps require 
Shridhar's sincerity to state that agitation and revolutions in Goa, which is 
the monopoly of real estate and politician sponsors, is about booze parties and 
not tea parties. Revolution is about plans designed by architects and engineers 
hired by real estate developers on dumping cement and mortar in Goa's villages; 
snd agitations are about putting the poor into a corner and forcing them into 
surrendering their land. NGOs have been booze party spoilers and so the murmurs 
against them. 
The learned writer if not grossly deficient in knowledge on NGO accounting 
norms, at least pretends to be so as regards accountability of NGO fundings and 
their availability in public domain. At least the NGO I am associated with at 
present, which Shridhar had recently visited but not bothered to enlighten 
himself in order to get his facts correct, would be most pleased to welcome him 
over 'only for a tea party' , as alcohol and smoking is prohibited on the 
campus, to discuss NGO accounting procedures which even our activist colleagues 
from the most backward districts of this country will be able to brief him 
Shridhar perhaps has got the impression that NGO accounting is like that of 
People's Abhiyans or political rallies at Azad Maidan and Lohia Maidan where 
payments for hire of buses amounting to a few thousands of rupees gets made by 
the organisers without duly signed receipt vouchers and without any records of 
the bus numbers and the names of the persons who receive the payments.  
To conclude, I am reminded of a famous konkani saying  "Hanv chor zalear mhozo 
maincho bhavui chor". 

-Soter D'Souza

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