There is an ethical debate to be had when posting videos that purport to show 
"criminals" and "terrorists." Do these videos bear the credentials and 
responsibility that an authentic organisation would bear? For instance if a 
video was put out by the BBC or NDTV, I can be assured these organisation have 
done due diligence in uncovering the truth.

But anyone with a video-phone today can capture an image and distort its 
content. This may seem like a bit of frivolous fun but can result in serious 
injury to innocent people. For instance, the recent video posted by Barad, 
claims that Digamber Kamat is cavorting with known criminals and terrorists. 
There are a couple of questions that a discerning person should ask.

a) Was the video shot before their criminal activity came to the fore?
b) Did the entire group comprise of criminals and terrorists. Are we to believe 
that Digu was having a meeting with a terrorist coven, discussing strategy 
perhaps on how to cast spells?
c) What about the innocent by-standers in that group? Why should their 
reputation be sullied?
d) How do we know that these people actually are who the video presents them to 
be? Are we to take the word of this obviously biased videographer?

It is a sad reflection on us when we embark on such blatant attempts to vilify 
whole sections of our society and cause communal rifts. It is also a great 
fallacy on our part to believe that it is the politicians who are dividing us. 
It is not. The responsibility for our society is entirely our own. I have come 
across the most educated people on forums, who spew the most bigoted communal, 
racist and ethnic bile, while all the time pretending to be beacons of hope for 
Goa and wanting to save Goa from destruction. 

The great Goan poie is not the only thing that is disapearing. Other things 
like Goan tolerance and integrity too are fast on the wane.



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