c/o Rhythm House, Below City Hospital ,Opp. Meenaxi Hotel,                     
                                Margao, Goa.403 601.Mob. 9822386579
 Ref:- RLAF/ Fr. MAT/Press                                            Date:- 

                       PRESS NOTE

       R.L.A.F condoles death of Fr. Mathew Almeida S.J.

The “Romi Lipi Action Front”  has lost a good friend and a dedicated Konkani 
Writer and Educationst in the death of Fr. Mathew Almeida S.J.
Fr. Mathew spent a major part of his life in Education and service to Konkani.
His last posting was at the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra at Porvorim , Goa., 
where he did a lot of research and wrote a lot of Books in Konkani.
Fr. Mathew’s parting gift to all Konknni lovers and to Goans in particular was 
his book “Konknni Course in Roman Script” through which he made it very easy 
for everyone to learn to read, write and talk Konkani .
Fr. Mathew Almeida was a man of few words. His work did all the talking. 
All the Konkani speaking people of the world and lovers of Konkani , will 
always remain indebted to Fr. Mathew Almeida, for his selfless service to 

                               Wilmix Wilson Mazarello
                         (Convenor, Romi Lipi Action Front )  

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