Even before the BJP has woken up to demand that the Casinos operating in 
Mandovi river be sent out to sea by 15th March 2009, one can very well conclude 
that their demand will be fullfilled by the 31st march 2009. This is called 
'perfect setting' in politics. There is no difference between one political 
party or the other, one politician or the other, they are all members of one 
club. They need each other to survive in this loot and plunder and all the 
bouts of blowing hot and cold is well synchronised to keep the common man 
With the Lok Sabha elections due in April 2009, no political party would like 
to risk losing the elections. The public anger  against Casinos is well known 
to the political party in power. That if the sentiments of the people are not 
respected there is a possibility that the opposition party may walk off with 
the cake at the end of the day. So, it is almost certain that for the months of 
April and May the Casino royals and maharajas will stay out at sea or 
temporarily berth somewhere away from the public eye.  The removal will save 
face for both the major political parties. One will claim that it has heeded 
the demand of the 'aam admi' while the other will boast that it stood with the 
people and forced the government to get the casinos removed. It will be a 
win-win situation for both groups. The ever forgiving public will be 
entertained into forgeting the pains and torture they went through at he hands 
of these politicians and will be busy basking in the success of driving out the 
casinos into the deep blue sea. Every one of the public will be an Obama. The 
river cruise operators and on-shore casino operators who hate the floating 
casinos, not because they are culturally or morally polluting but everyone 
knows why, will also be happyto project themselves as social activists.  As it 
is commonly said 'there cannot be smoke without fire' and so this all about 
'AAG' somewhere.
Once the elections are over and with the approaching monsoons the royals and 
the maharajas will all be back to clog the Mandovi water channel until the next 
election is round the corner. But by then the common man will be immunised to 
into tolerating the casino culture and we always have the politicians with an 
alternative distractor in their pockets. It could well be the lollipop of 
'Special status' which is softly cooking on low fire on the backburner at St. 
Inez and Campal. 
Jai Ho! Jai Ho' Yeh hai slumdog politics bhai. 

-Soter D'Souza

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