To find out why the wild claims regarding homeopathy made by Fr. Ivo in the 
posts appended below are patently bogus, please read this article provided by a 
prominent British organization of scientists, promoting sense and science among 
lay people:

Here are some relevant quotes from it:

"The scientific evidence shows that homeopathy acts only as a
placebo and there is no scientific explanation of how it could
work any other way."

"Homeopathic preparations have been diluted to such an extent that many do not 
contain a single molecule of the active ingredient.......
Homeopaths believe that water can 'remember' the active ingredient. If water 
had this ability, it would also remember the other substances that have been 
diluted into it over time, such as human and animal waste, dead plants, 
bacteria and minerals; it would remember the test tube in which the homeopathic 
preparation was made."

"Over 150 clinical trials have failed to show that homeopathy
works. Some small-scale studies have yielded positive results,
but this is due to poor methodologies or random effects. When
all the evidence from many trials is pooled together, homeopathy
is no better than a placebo.

A recent Lancet paper compared 110 homeopathy trials with
110 conventional medicine trials. The authors found that the
higher quality trials offered strong evidence that conventional
medicines work and no evidence that homeopathic preparations
work. In other words, the better the research, the less effective
homeopathy appears. Over a dozen similar analyses have arrived
at the same conclusion: that homeopathy does not perform any
better than placebos."



P.S. BTW, No scientist or modern physician uses the outdated, meaningless term 
"allopathy". It was a word coined by Samuel Hahnemann to distinguish his own 
idiosyncratic practices from the idiosyncratic practices of other physicians. 
Neither him nor any of them was engaged in genuine evidence-based scientific 
medicine, which is only about 40 years old.

--- On Thu, 4/16/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza <> wrote:
> Homeopathy has been tested by medical science. The problem
> is not merely 'faith' in the physician, which is necessary, but is not 
> >enough. It is a system that works. I refer to those who really know the
> principles, art and science of Homeopathy. It is not 'powder' (sugar of 
> >milk) given by a fake homeopath together with steroids..., but a drug 
> >homeopathically prepared.
> ...........................
> Allopaths who have practised both Allopathy and Homoepathy
> have written about the superiority of Homeopathy over Allopathy in many 
> >diseases (you can read C.A.Madan, Homeopathy cures when Allopathy fails.
> In fact, some allopaths have switched over from allopathy
> to homeopathy (and studied in the medical homeopathic colleges), because 
> >they themselves have been cured of chronic diseases by homeopathy 
> >(Dr.S.R.Wadia).
> There are allopaths who take homeopathic drugs for themselves in some
> diseases. There are allopathic practitioners who recommend the
> homeopathic treatment for their patients, for example, in the case of 
> >asthma, psoriasis, pemphigus vulgaris, Parkinson's disease (the cure
> may not be total), IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Each medical system >has 
> its own merits and demerits. Medical responsibility should be there.
>The evidence is revealed in the practice of genuine
> Homeopathy... Dr.Samuel Hanehmann, who was an allopath, has proved drugs
> homeopathically and systematized it with his Organon of Rational
> Medicine..

--- On Thu, 4/16/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza <> wrote:
>Children do not have 'belief', yet they are cured by homeopathic >medicines. 
>Homoeopathic physicians get all the modern training in the >colleges. I would 
>like to hear from homeopathic practitioners. In fact, I >spoke to some of them 
>yesterday. May more light be shed on this issue.


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