
    Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) book launch in
London, England @ the World Goa Day festivities on 15 Aug at 7pm
              Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com


Source: UNI (United News of India).
Date 12 Aug. 2009. 


Social activist Advocate Aires Rodrigues has accused Goa's Advocate General
Subodh Kantak of abetting perjury and conniving with Health Minister
Vishwajit Rane to mislead the High Court on the factual position on Sec 506
of IPC. 

In a 21-page affidavit filed before Panjim bench of the Bombay High Court
here yesterday, Mr Rodrigues stated that the Advocate General, being the
principal law officer of the state, ought to have placed the correct facts
before the High Court, even if they were not to the liking of the

The Advocate General, instead of upholding high moral ethics in the
profession as the leader of the Bar, had chosen to collude with the accused
Minister by not only suppressing material facts from the Court, but also
making suo moto recommendation about withdrawal of criminal cases under Sec
506 of IPC, he alleged. 

In his affidavit, Mr Rodrigues has also submitted that Health Minister
Vishwajit Rane deliberately suppressed a very material fact that the
investigation into the complaint against him was done pursuant to orders
passed by the Judicial Magistrate, First Class at Panaji. 

While the issue of the chargesheet against the Health Minister was before
the High Court, Mr Kantak on May 7 held a closed door meeting with Old Goa
Police Inspector Gurudas Gawade and Public Prosecutor Winnie Coutinho to try
and help the accused Mr Rane on account of his clout as a Minister, Mr
Rodrigues said. 

In a 73-page chargesheet filed by the Old Goa Police, Mr Vishwajit Rane
faces charges under sec 506 (II) of Indian Penal Code, which carries a
punishment of imprisonment of seven years or fine, or both. 

Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) Ms Sharmila Patil has directed Mr
Vishwajit Rane to appear before her on September 14 to answer charges of
having threatened to kill social activist Aires Rodrigues on July 31, 2007.

Full text, 527 words at

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