As GBA completes 3 years, there is all reason to analyse the post-RP 2011 
scenario. Same planning laws in place, TCP dept.and PDAs in complete command,  
village panchayats continue to be side-lined, and construction on hill slopes 
as well as hill cutting and land filling goes on unabated. Those professionals 
connected with the real estate industry but pretend that their heart bleeds to 
Save Goa are also part  and parcel in the attempts to bleed and rape Goa. While 
Aldeia and DLF are a problem there is not a whimper of protests against 
Chowgules, Nanus, Prabhus, Dempos, CD  and a host of local real estate 
plunderers who erect massive concrete jungles all over the place. 
Some village based activists were surprised when at a meeting called by jittery 
GBA to forge an alliance with village groups, a prominent architect of Save Goa 
fame tried to introduce the idea that ground plus one gated multi-housing 
projects with swimming pools are OK in villages. Seeing the reaction from the 
villagers the architect was forced to withdraw to the background but not from 
influencing various government's pro-real estate policies. Such is the 
miserable fate of GBA that is a rudderless ship drifting aimlessly on the high 
seas being blown by fraudsters. GBA has no problem with real estate 
development, a fact stated publicly. It seems to have a problem with the Gram 
Sabha deciding the fate of real estate. 
Justice systems do not operate on emotions, it is the letter of the law that 
defines the legality or illegality of an action, not even the spirit of the law 
unless well defined or else will be left to the manipulation of the justice 
systems as is the present case. But as RP 2021 gets ready for its launch by 
january 2010, assisted by real estate developers and some professionals of Save 
Goa fame, the TCP laws and larger development policies remain untouched by GBA. 
There is no demand from GBA for strict implementation of District Plans by 
District Planning Committees as required under article 243ZD of the 
Constitution of India. The obvious reason, the TCP Act is like free size 
knickers that can be made to fit any client of some Save Goa architects and 
civil engineeers. GBA's lack of vision, well defined objectives and absence of 
strategies has also assumed the form of the TCP Act, free size knickers No 100 
plus. The brand label is made to fit anywhere and anyone depending on the 
promptings from some Save Goa architects and civil engineers.
 As GBA looks at the way forward without a well defined path from the past, all 
one can expect is another era of  entertainment for unsuspecting Goans until 
the RP 2021 becomes final.  In restrospect the question that now gets asked is: 
was the anti-RP 2011 a design of small and medium scale real estate stake 
holders to ward off the threat from mega real estate developers that had 
managed to get their way in the RP 2011 or was it a genuine concern for the 
protection and concervation of Goa's ecology? Let actions speak not words. If 
the Save Goa architects and civil engineers are genuinely concerned for the 
welfare of Goans let them stop designing any construction projects on hill 
slopes and refuse mega projects of more that 8 flats in a village. Let them 
attack the TCP and PDAs which are the root cause of Goa's pain and rape. We 
Goans have been taken for granted for too long and the time has come to uproot 
these forces who systematically block public spaces to prevent change.
These are Birthday Wishes to GBA from those accused as saffron lobby by the 
migrant conman and patron saint of an attempt to give cover to the 
fraudsters. Truth shall prevail.

-Soter D'souza

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