How long do Goans want to get fooled into investing their precious time and 
energy  in the wrong places? Can we learn something from the Telengana 
movement?  These philantropists and spare time activists who descend from their 
glass castles and pretend to be concerned about the trials and tribulations of 
the suffering masses are not going to help Save Goa. They are securing their 
livelihoods. Revolutions were not brought about by the rich who are always 
known to be part of the system and like Floriano's architects see no other way 
then to be in the trade for a living. Their thinking is like "Free size 
knickers", fits according to their needs. Do not tell them to leave their trade 
and come on the streets. You do the dirty work they will come to adorn your 

We must begin asking embarassing questions and finding new ways to tackle our 
problems. We have to learn to dicern between effective investment and wasteful 
investment of our time and energies. We have to become empowered ourselves 
instead of depending on spare time activists to liberate Goa. We must demand 
accountability from our social activists. We will have to deprive ourselves and 
our families of some luxuries. The Goan society is getting hopeless with every 
passing day and is being mentally and psychologically driven into believing 
that destruction and filth means progress. We are made to believe that migrants 
have contributed to the economy of Goa. My foot! TRS leader K.Chandrasekhar 
Rao's remarks that "mere expansion of cities vertically and horizontally does 
not mean development" is apt for Goa's situation." On the question of outside 
investment by outsiders in Hyderabad he said, "Fifty years ago Hyderabad was at 
number five and remains at number five even today. let
  us ask the question, where was Goa in 1961 and where is it today? We need 
leaders like K C Rao not like those who give certificates of goanness to 
Ramanis, Prasads, Lamanis, Singhs and Guptas. We need leaders who have faith in 
the Gram Sabhas and will not dub them as anarchic. We need leaders who will not 
compromise on priciples and values even if it comes to losing their livelihood. 
Only then will we see change in Goa. If not. everything is just a waste of 
time. Sorry, Goa cannot be save by part time Goans.

-Soter D'Souza

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