For those who are quick to cite the greatness of Mumbai at the least 
provocation, the good news is that Mumbai is now reeling under a water crisis. 
A 100% water supply shut down once a week to certain areas in rotation is going 
to be the reality in a few days time. Even doing this the authorities do not 
guarantee improvement. Do we want this faulty planning model to be adopted in 
Whatever the talk about economic development and employment, it is all bogus 
and that is why hordes of migrants are encouraged to come to Goa to take up 
jobs. Every land has its carrying capacity and that should form the basis of 
any development, not the needs of ever greedy humans. Planning to satisfy the 
needs without regard to carrying capacity is bound to bring disaster. 
There is a konkani adage which says, 'dukrak bhangar nhoi.' Those planners 
mentally conditioned to developing slums and stench will only be comfortable 
with such development. We must remmeber that Goa is not planned by goans but by 
UP-ites, Delhi-ites and kannadigas. Some Goans have shamelessly lost direction 
and also joinned the race. Watch out before we go mad like the crazy cities of 
Mumbai and Delhi.


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