Were we wrong when we criticised Dr. Oscar Rebello and the GBA? Definitely not. 
Here is the truth directly from the horse's mouth published two days after 
christmas in a local daily. 
Dr. Oscar says; 
"Secondly, all the functions of the gram sabha are not explained to the 
villagers properly. While, we were members on the Task Force for Regional Plan, 
we had been requesting them to focus on social-economic planning and not on 
land use planning. We wanted villagers to conform to whatever functions gram 
sabhas were supposed to do as envisaged in the 73rd and 74th Constitutional 
amendments in the Goa Panchayat Raj Act."
Since when has Dr. Oscar Rebello become an expert on the 73rd and 74th 
Constitution Amendment? Villagers will do the socio-economic planning and Goa's 
land use planning will be done by UP-ites, Delhi-ites, Kanadigas, Keralites, 
jaitleys, Ramanis, Prasads and the rest of the migrants? What a joke? I wonder 
whether this task force expert from GBA had the time to closely read Part IX of 
the Constitution  to understand it's letter and spirit. Has Dr. Oscar the guts 
to defend his rubbish before Gram Sabha members? Even supposing the Gram Sabhas 
did not have the powers, Dr. Oscar should have been pressing for the devolution 
of powers. But he prefers to tow the line taken by real estate's legal  
consultants without bothering to udnerstand the law. Could Dr. oscar point out 
which law does not give the rights to the Gram Sabhas to discuss land use 
planning? This is what I meant about GBA's free size knickers. Truth ultimately 


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