The attack on the house and other property of a person from Colva accused of 
producing a controversial CD is to be condemned. Such means resorted to by so 
called followers of Jesus Christ, that too during Christmas, and supposedly 
provoked by lay church leaders is all the more deplorable. Are we any beter 
than the Bajrang Dal, Ram Sena, Taliban and all such fanatical fringe elements 
that suppress freedom of expression through terror. The hurt sentiments are 
understandable but will violence acheive any solution? In fact, the attack on 
the producer generates more publicity, curiosity and sympathy among the people 
which would only boost the sales of the CD. Instead of denying his involvement 
in inciting the parishioners as reported in a section of the press, the Parish 
Priest should have outrightly condmened such use of violence as it is against 
christian teachings. 
It is unfortunate that people of Goa have got enough time and energy to quarrel 
on issues of religion but hardly anyone reacts over abuses against the human 
person, especially woman and children, and the mass scale rape and plunder of 
Goa's natural resources. 
Will Goans invest  their capacities and energies for more productive purposes 
in the New Year 2010 in order to establish the kingdom of Justice and Peace in 
the world which  the message of Christmas is all about? 

-Soter D'Souza

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