Buy one, take three!
Like political parties, Dr. Oscar Rebello has once again fallen back on the 
most trusted weapon handed down by the Britishers, namely the communal and 
regional labelling. Dr. Oscar in the Herald (30/12/2009) has falsely accused me 
and Rajan of baying for the blood of muslims, migrants and foreigners. Having 
been cornered with one lie, he now spills three more.  We are definitely not in 
league with modern medical terrorists that have set shop in Goa. 
Some of us have been the target of relentless abuses and attacks in GBA for 
cautioning against unconditional cooperation with the Government on the Task 
Force and later on the draft RP 2021. The Goanet archives since 2007 are 
witness to my concerns about GBA's unholy alliance with the ruling 
dispensation.  I have been accused of bringing the dissent within GBA into 
public domain. But I believe that GBA being a people's movement, transparency 
and accountability are necessary. Three years later we stand vindicated with 
the former Convenor of GBA publicly acknowledging the nexus. His latest letter 
to Editor in Herald only reconfirms it.
Firstly, the three choices before GBA as pointed out by Dr. Oscar are not true. 
One could well cooperate with  any government by putting forward conditions, in 
this case conditions about the shape of a Regional Plan for Goa. Did GBA do 
that? Does GBA have its blue print on the type of Regional Planning process 
that must be in place for Goa? If it has one let the public know about it. What 
has happened to the decisions on the type of RP process for Goa taken at a 
workshop in August 2007? Was it indigestable for those with vested interests in 
real estate? What more does one need to prove  when some GBA elements publicly 
declare that the people have no say in land-use planning?
Secondly, GBA being a mass movement never had the need to join an opposition 
party to oppose the Government. In fact it was the other way round. There are 
so many groups in Goa which are not aligned to any opposition political party 
but yet oppose the Government. So where did GBA's consideration about joining 
the opposition party to oppose the Government stem from? Does Dr. Oscar imply 
that the anti-RP2011 apolitical movement of GBA had the backing of the 
oppositon parties? If no, then this second option that confronted GBA clearly 
points out there was an underlying compulsion in some leaders to align with the 
ruling dispensation and some excuse had to be created. 
The third option before GBA of going for the blood of migrants, muslims and 
foreigners is only a creation of imagination of Dr. Oscar to cover up the 
treachery, as this aspect has no relation whatsoever with the process of 
preparing a RP 2021. From where did GBA's option to go after the muslims, 
migrants and foreigners suddenly come from after june 2007? Was it the fear 
within ruling politicians that their migrant vote bank interests would be 
harmed if a sound RP 2021 was put in place which prompted their moles in GBA to 
rake up this excuse. 
There is little doubt now that the interests people of Goa were compromised by 
some leaders of GBA to favour the Government and real estate interests. The 
days to come will reveal the naked truth on RP 2021. But it may be too late for 
gullible Goans who blindly follow faces marketed by Goa's ever conniving 

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