I definitely endorse the view of JC that the media also has a significant role 
in abetting the crimes on Goa. The media dictates the agenda according to whose 
interests have to be served. But the media is owned by the very Goan 
industrialists who keep these political puppets floating. Goans prefer to buy 
and believe gossip every weekend which is produced by a keralite settler 
controlled by the pwoers that be. 
In Goa we do not need BJP to muzzle the press, the publishers themselves will 
do it. But again, like the rest of Goan society the press persons take all this 
lying down because they will say it is their bread and butter. If everyone is 
concerned about bread and butter who will be left to save Goa?
You also asked whether these problems existed before. They could not exist 
because our ancestors were not greedy. They were producers not consumers.  They 
had natural wisdom. I would say that the problems of today are a manifestation 
of what went horribly wrong politically, economically and socially from 1961 to 
1990. Like drug addiction, materialism is a progressive disease. 


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