A Punjabi got a taste of Goan assertion in front of Cafe Central at Panjim. A 
local toursit taxi almost brushed a Punjab registered car. Out came a huge man 
who grabbed the collar of the taxi driver and tried to pull him out of the car. 
A Goan who was on his bike ready to speed off and enjoy the hot mushroom 
samosas noticed the Punjabi attempting to assault the taxi driver. The Goan 
went up to the Punjabi and told him to stop assaulting the taxi driver. The 
Punjabi in a fit of rage began arguing with the Goan. The Goan warned the 
Punjabi not tot take the law in his hands. Meanwhile the fritghtened Goan girl 
who was from the taxi also picked up courage and confronted the Punjabi. The 
Goan lad told the punjabi that this is not Delhi or Punjab and his act will not 
be tolerated. Hearing this, the wife of the Punjabi alighted from the car and 
questioned the Goan lad about his attitude. The Goan lad respectfully asked the 
Punjabi lady whether the attitude of her partner in assualting the taxi driver 
is acceptable and whether such behaviour would be tolerated from a Goan in 
Punjab or Delhi. The Punjabi replied that he has been residing in Goa for 
several months. "In that case", the Goan lad said, "you need to learn about the 
Goan ethos and stop behaving like in Delhi or Punjab." The Punjabi threatened 
to call the police. The Goan lad told the Punjabi to call up the even the home 
minister. As some more Goan youth gathered and started showing signs of 
restlessness the Punjabi withdrew into his car mumbling some foul language only 
to find that his Goan driver had vanished from the driver's seat. The driver 
fearing a show down was watching from far. The Goan lad then asked the tourist 
taxi operator why he was taking the rubbish from an outsider. The man said 
because his customers would be inconvenienced. The Goan told him that if you do 
not stand up for your rights not only you but even your customers will be 
thrashed  by these boisterous migrants. All Goans around nodded in agreement 
that we should not take this nonsense lying down. For once a goan had asserted 
himself and repulsed the migrant dadagiri.

- Soter

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