Dear Oscar,

Thank you for saying what you have said.

And Yes, encouragement does wonders but severe non-constructive criticism dries out the enthusiasm and often works on rebound.

I have said many a times that Goans need to get behind just one agenda and push it through. The Agenda that is needed to be pushed in Goa is the 'political sanity' agenda. All else must go to sleep comparatably to this agenda since 'political madness' as it exists in Goa today is like a huge deadweight tied to one's feet and thrown into the sea. If Goans will see better reason to get behind the PPS movement which is underway, Goa's political scenario is bound to change for the better and usher in kudoses to Goans rather than the shame that is howering over their heads. And to ignore this cover of shame that will engulf Goa's posterity, will be criminal negligence on the part of the peers.

I must congratulate you for bringing Barrack Obama in the line of vision of Goans. And I will never forget Obama's words as spoken at his Victory Speech Quote $5 and $10 from the multitude of Americans given in good faith towards my election is the result you see today Unquote [not in exact words]. To that effect, my party has the slogan which runs like this: "Small money from a lot of people makes better sense that a lot of money from one person"

Citizens' Initiative - 'People for Political Sanity - People's Power System' must take over as a Maha Pressure Group if Goa will see a sea change in the 2012 elections, which elections are very very very precarious for the health of Goa and Goans.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Oscar Lobo" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:37 AM
Subject: [Goanet] FW: Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.

During the last quarter of 2009 I posted my views on the Noble Peace Award
for President Obama and what

encouragement does to bring out the best in people.

Well, we have all heard today the great achievement i.e. America's Health
Bill which was brought about by

President Barrack Obama!

Great news to the 32 odd million people in America who were without Health
Insurance and kudos to President Obama

and his administration.

Oscar C. Lobo


--- On Mon, 12/10/09, Oscar Lobo <> wrote:

From: Oscar Lobo <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Nobel prize win 'humbles' Obama.
To: "Goanet" <>
Date: Monday, 12 October, 2009, 7:09 AM


Noble Peace Award for President Obama.

People are divided on the decision taken by the Norwegian Noble Prize
(NNPC) to award President Obama with a Noble Prize.

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