To Goanet -

JoeGoaUk <> writes:

Dear Joe,

Thank you for forwarding this to me and pointing me
to the comments.

We should have all the ghatis in Saligao deposit the products
of their metabolism every morning at Admin Frederick Noronha's 
door just as Admin Noronha sits down for breakfast.  He, we can
be sure, will view these very human urges with relish.

I am also curious - what does Admin Noronha do when his
bladder calls on him for su-su?  Irrigate his own living room
with his very human urge?  If not, why not?

Compassion peacocks like Admin Noronha are hypocrites.
It is public space, after all, so it is okay for the ghatis to muck it
up.  Same thing with Goa.  It is no skin off Admin Noronha's
back if ghatis defecate all over it.  As long as Admin Noronha's
house is kept off limits.  Or maybe not - we don't know the
answer to the question above, as regards Admin Noronha's
habits of micturition.



habits of micturitionh

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