"I was returning with a Goanetter from Chorao island last evening, and
we were waiting for the ferry to take us over to the Pomburpa end.

"Thank goodness JoeGoaUk or Rajan Parrikar isn't around," the
Goanetter said, as he re-zipped his fly!

It took me a second or two to comprehend what the heck he was talking
about. By then the ferry had arrived, so we hurriedly got ready for
the ride. FN"
What is this world coming to? Just because JoeGoaUK is not around to capture a 
goanetter, el flagrante delicto, does it mean another Goanetter, Frederick 
Noronha, has to encourage this Goanetter to leave his imprint on the many 
sediments that make up the Mandovi river? 

Could Frederick not have used his endless lectures on environmental 
to convince this man that such an act will ultimately cause more damage to the 
ecological balance of Goan soil, than all the tourism and tourism related lager 
released on casino-ferry boats put together? 

Let me guess? It's just blond lager that Frederick objects to vociferously. 
Guinsess is fine with our man Frederick :-)



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