MONDAY MUSE (12 July 2010)


Imagine a situation where a person trips and falls to the ground. What should 
he do? Should he wait for somebody to help him rise on his feet once again? 
What if there is no help forthcoming? Surely in such a scenario, most of us 
should choose to rise up on our own.

Self initiative is necessary to overcome an overpowering situation. Whenever 
our spirits are down, we must lift them ourselves. Proactive persons who take 
prime responsibility for changing the situation or even a downward mood are the 
ones who refuse to stay low. They opt to rise up on their own using the simple 
choice of self-help. 

However, being the first to help oneself is not a practice to be employed only 
in times of defeat or despair. Even, when we deserve to rejoice over the 
smallest of success, we must choose to initiate appreciation and celebration. 
It is a lesson, we must learn from the footballer who scores a goal. He does 
not wait for his team members to come and applaud him. He immediately breaks 
into a frenzied run of celebration.

Too often, we shift the onus of support as well as appreciation onto others. 
And when none is forthcoming we sink into a deeper depression. We must learn to 
be better at taking ownership of all the happenings in our lives, both, the 
ones that lift our spirits and the ones that sink them as well. That’s the way 
to rise up, every time!

Let’s BE BETTER at initiating the right response
... to rise up above the overbearing helpless pause!

- Pravin K. Sabnis 

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