Eugene, my suggestion -- you can disagree without being disagreeable :-) FN

adj \-ə-bəl\
Definition of DISAGREEABLE
1: causing discomfort : unpleasant, offensive <a disagreeable odor>
2: marked by ill temper : peevish <a disagreeable person>

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 13 February 2011 07:44, Eugene Correia <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, Fred did not see the satire in the statement "Thanks goanet
> for ruining one of my very few old friendshipes." Perhaps, most
> straightforward would be, "Thanks to myself for writing frankly and
> fearlessly on goanet and for sparking off arguments with those who have no
> balls to counter my views on goanet but rather on a telephone."
> I just feel l should stop writing on goanet lest I lose more "friends." Like
> I mentioned in an earlier post about a goanetter (without name the person)
>  who has suddenly become "non-active" I feel I should also get myself into
> that category.
> Suggestions welcome from "friends" and "enemies" alike.

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