Politica dos Casmentos - Fact or Fiction? (part 2)
6. Barely having nurtured their wounds and repaired their salvageable ships, to 
AA’s good fortune, a very large Portuguese armada heading for Malacca happened 
to stop at AnjadevaIslandto re-supply. They helped AA retake Goa(third battle) 
starting on November, 25. After the victory on December 10, likely the enabling 
armada and their soldiers and sailors proceeded on to its designated mission in 
the Malacca, leaving AA with his remaining soldiers and sailors on Tiswadi. 
a few, likely volunteered from the reinforcement to stay on in Goa, preferring 
(like most soldiers and sailors) a non-combat region (in the Malaccas) to a 
battle zone (in the Indies).
7. Certainly AA wanted his remaining soldiers to settle down in Goaand defend 
their new homestead. On getting older, these men could become Home guards and 
Reserves to an active military. AA’s goal and desire were simple, basic and 
self-serving. Likely AA had NO IDEA of the concept, terminology or desire for 
"the miscegeny of the newly formed Goan 'white' identity" which is being 
attributed to him.  
8. Given Portuguese track-record of, failures against adversaries in the 
and AA first experience in taking Goa, it was uncertain AA would survive this 
second victory. Some modern PhD students and lusophiles may have the desire to 
give AA prophetic powers.
9. Many history accounts report that immediately after the victory, there was a 
large ceremony involving marriages between AA’s soldiers with widows of 
vanquished Muslim soldiers with enactment of ‘Politica dos Casmentos’. This 
‘mass marriage ceremony’ was preceded by a ‘mass baptism ceremony’ of the 

10. Getting Portuguese soldiers married and live locally made sense for those 
who had no desire to return to Portugal. But likely many soldiers and sailors 
had already seen enough battles (and their comrades die) that few may have 
AA’s offer of FREE(read confiscated, unclaimed) land, if they settled in Goa.  
(See my prior goanet posts of direct and indirect impact and effects of three 
distinct but consecutive battles in one year on the Isle of Goa / Tiswadi).
11. There are several reports of prior insubordination of AA’s soldiers on many 
occasions.  So reports of many wanting to stay in Goa under AAs' command may be 
suspect.  Most sailors and soldiers who came to the Indiesdesired to return 
to settle as fidalgos with their new accumulated wealth (see analysis); rather 
than to be laboring land-owners in a new tropical land. And this Goa settlement 
complicated with a new language, lifestyle, environment, culture, cuisine. 
Soldiers and sailors are prepared to a lifestyle of sacrifice for a short 
period, but not to a life of struggle and change for the rest of their life. 
Analysis to follow next. Please be patient.:=))
Please digest and understand the dynamics of events. Those with itchy fingers, 
please give those fingers a rest. Or use them for purposes other than banging 
the key board.:=))  Yet constructive challenges to my writings supported 
by facts are as always welcome. 
 Regards, supurlo Goenkar, GL

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