--- On Sun, 2/13/11, George Pinto <georgejpi...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> To: reg-high....@nic.in
> Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 9:48 PM

Honorable Chief Justice

It is with deep shock that I have learnt of the suspension of Additional 
District & Sessions Judge Desmond D'Costa. I urge you to immediately withdraw 
the suspension.

Judge Desmond D'Costa ethics is of the highest order and his suspension is a 
travesty of justice, in addition to being arbitrary and non-transparent. Only a 
complete and immediate withdrawal of the suspension will serve justice.

I kindly request your good office to initiate an internal inquiry into this 
episode including why a person of Goan origin had to unfairly meet this fate. 
Surely you will agree that Goans must not be treated as second-class citizens. 
The Goan public now considers this one more event to justify Goa having its own 
High Court. That outcome will be the silver lining which comes out of this 
unfortunate episode.

The Goan public expects the results of such an inquiry to be made public in a 
timely and democratic manner and those responsible for this unfortunate episode 
be held accountable.


George Pinto

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