10 year old Riya Savant created a sensation when she shocked former
national woman champion and Woman Grand Master Nisha Mohota in the
International Blitz Open played during the Thailand open Championship.

Riya, sponsored by Geno Pharmaceuticals is currently silver medaliist
in Asian Under 10 category. When she faced Nisha with Black pieces,
nobody expected a miracle from the demure student of St. Mary's Convent High School, Mapusa. However Riya kept her cool and snatched a pawn in the middle-game.

Since the game gave each player only 5 minutes to finish, Nisha tried
to complicate the issue with a Kingside attack. But Riya repulsed the
attack and coasted home with a smooth win. This is Riya's first
victory over a titled player.

Riya's coach Dronacharya Raghunandan Gokhale is very happy. "I expect
her to do well in the forthcoming World School(Poland) and Asian Youth
(Phillipines) Championships" said Gokhale from Thailand.

Riya is also doing well in the standard version of chess and is
expected to increase her rating by 35 points from this tournament in
Pattaya, Thailand.

Source: Raghunandan Gokhale

Goanet Sports

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