On 16 August 2013 11:01, Ana Maria Fernandes <amferns_n...@hotmail.com>

"Dear jose Colaco
It is this attitude of yours and others that are making priest corrupt. It
is not a question of leaving one church to start another but being in the
dirty church and try to clean it. Jesus christ lived a life of truth and
trust. It is not what you put on a platter but our priest should also feel
that cheating and robbing is not catholicism or christianity. Stop poking
at me and giving me advice. I belong to Christ and want to follow christ.
If you follow christ you should condemm this sort of activities or leave
the catholic church."

Dear Ana Maria,

Would you please clarify with some degree of certainty what you mean by
'Corrupt'  Priests.

Also, please:

1: Name the priest or priests you are accusing of corruption instead of
placing a blanket accusation - which can affect all priests.

2: Specifically name the corrupt activity.

3: Also advise IF Secular priests are not able to go on yearly/monthly
trips to wherever as long as the funds are NOT coming from the church
coffers (apart from their salary)

I am NOT going to condemn or exonerate ANYBODY (in my mind) unless I
hear/read the evidence you present and the defence the accused mounts.

IN SUMMARY: For starters, you will have to provide the following evidence:

a: Name of the priest you are calling corrupt
b: Name of the corrupt activity
c: That the funds came from Church Coffers (except salary) or
d: That the funds were obtained by way of other corrupt means

IF you do not, please advise WHY you should not be hauled before the courts
for libel.

IF you do, I commit to personally having the 'evidence' e-submitted to the
Bishop of Goa

IF the 'evidence' you submit involves criminality, please advise when you
submitted it to the police

IF you have not, please advise WHY you should not be charged for
withholding information regarding a potentially criminal act.



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