My dear Professor Pinto

On this relatively light Saturday, a day on which I  received a spirited
verbal attack (on Marshall Mendonza and myself) from the shadows of Aldona,
I thought that I'd also read your posts of the past two months. No question
that your recent knee-jerk posts encouraged me to do some extra research.
So, here goes. You are free to slam my responses (with or without

Please be advised that I can speak ONLY based on my experience and
knowledge. I prefer NOT to speak on the basis of non-knowledge.


Augusto Pinto (AP) to jc / jc's responses interspersed:

AP1: Everyone has seen the pathetically lame responses you gave when you
say that you don't know about the distinctions among the Confraria of Velim
among many other obfuscations and evasions and outright lies.

jc1: I am delighted to note that 'everyone has seen my responses'. As
nobody else from the 'everybody' has called my responses, 'obfuscations and
evasions and outright lies', I invite you as politely or unpolitely as
possible to please clarify HOW you came to form an opinion about MY
PERSONAL non-knowledge of anything incl something called Confraria -
something about which I still do not know anything.....nor do I want to

IF you know better about what I know ....tell us.


AP2: Don't you think dear jc, that you would be doing yourself a favor by
acknowledging that you belong to a caste whose ancestors have harassed and
humiliated the lower castes such as Mahars and Gawdas? Don't you think you
should be doing your best to assuage the hurt that they have done instead
of living in a state of denial?

jc2: Allow me please, dear Sirjee, to confirm yet again that I DO NOT
belong to any caste. I also repeat that I am a practising Roman Catholic by
choice. If I ever practiced the Caste System in any shape or form, that
would automatically make me (IMHO) a non-Catholic.

As I have stated before, I do not know IF my ancestors were Hindu,
Buddhist, Muslim or Atheists. I do NOT even want to know. Besides, I
personally believe, rightly or wrongly, that those 'ostensible' Catholics
who have post-1961 been displaying their (pre-conversion) Hindu surname in
their outpourings, are doing so to display their superiority over other
Catholics. That is adding to the "oxymornishness" of the term "Catholic
Bamon/Brahmin' et al.

If you must categorize me, please note that I prefer to consider myself
whatever is the lowest among the non-'castes'. Trust me, life is simpler
and cheaper outside that Apartheid circus tent.

About taking responsibility for the perceived or real actions of my
forebears, please be advised that I will take responsibility ONLY for MY
actions (now that NONE of my children are minors). The next thing I might
hear from some non-Goan is I must take responsibility for Augusto's
knee-jerk reactions because Augusto is also a Goan. No such thing. The Law
of Tort is quite specific about WHO bears responsibility for WHAT. You are
a University Professor. You should know that.

AP3: No one is asking you to open your pocket, at least as of now nobody
has, but surely you could at least have the decency to acknowledge the
wrongs of your ancestors and have the courage to say that you will refuse
to follow in the footsteps of your forbears and indeed work towards the
welfare of the communities who were affected by them.

jc3: Please vide the response posted supra in jc2

good wishes as always.


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