
New error:
===> Extracting build instructions of godi-kaputt-1.0godi1
===> Extracting build instructions of godi-cache-1.0
===> Extracting build instructions of godi-ancient-0.9.0
===> Extracting build instructions of apps-umlmon-1.0.6godi1
===> Extracting build instructions of apps-ocamlify-0.0.1
===> Extracting build instructions of godi-sonet-0.1.1godi2
===> Extracting build instructions of godi-tophide-1.0.0godi1
===> Extracting build instructions of godi-janestreet-core-107.01godi5
Fatal error: exception Netchannels.Command_failure(_)

Any idea ?

2012/7/11 Gerd Stolpmann <i...@gerd-stolpmann.de>:
> One addition: During bootstrap, one program needs to be built that bases
> on Cygwin (namely boot_console). Because of this you also need the
> normal gcc for Cygwin, not only the compiler targeting mingw64.
> Gerd
> Am Dienstag, den 10.07.2012, 14:16 +0200 schrieb Gerd Stolpmann:
>> Hi,
>> finally, there is again a version of GODI that works on mingw:
>> http://download.camlcity.org/download/godi-skylift-20120709.tar.gz
>> For bootstrapping, you need Cygwin-1.7. I've installed the Cygwin
>> packages listed below. This is certainly not the minimum list, and most
>> packages are checked anyway. So far I remember the following packages
>> are important to have:
>>   - bc
>>   - bzip2
>>   - diffutils
>>   - gawk
>>   - gzip
>>   - m4
>>   - make
>>   - mingw64-i686-binutils
>>   - mingw64-i686-gcc
>>   - mingw64-i686-headers
>>   - mingw64-i686-runtime
>>   - patch
>>   - rxvt (for having a "real" terminal)
>> Further notes:
>>   - You do not need wget anymore (its function is now "included").
>>   - Installing to an UNC path seems not to work.
>>   - Very likely 64 bit builds do not work.
>>   - There are many packages you cannot build, especially
>>     those needing C libraries. There are good chances for OCaml-only
>>     packages.
>>   - Cygwin is only needed for the build system. All executables are
>>     pure Windows executables that do not link with cygdll1.dll.
>>   - The Skylift release of GODI includes functions for distributing
>>     binary packages. Please have bit of patience here, as I'm still
>>     writing the documentation how to do it. But anyway, this opens
>>     the door to a binary-only OCaml distribution for Windows (w/o
>>     Cygwin).
>> I had to fix a relatively long list of bugs, mostly for the following
>> class of problems:
>>   - Problems with the CR/LF line endings. godi_console outputs
>>     now always only LF to stdout, but text files may use the
>>     CR/LF conventions.
>>   - New cygwin mount tables. godi_console caches now the output
>>     of the "mount" command rather than reading any internal
>>     tables (trying to be editor-friendly).
>>   - New cygwin symbolic link format is now understood.
>>   - Strange problems with stdout/stderr redirections, especially
>>     when pipes connect programs where one is Cygwin and one not.
>> Hoping that this now also works on other machines than mine.
>> Gerd
>> --
>> Package                   Version              Status
>> _autorebase               000078-1             OK
>> _update-info-dir          01052-1              OK
>> alternatives              1.3.30c-10           OK
>> base-cygwin               3.1-1                OK
>> base-files                4.1-1                OK
>> bash                      4.1.10-4             OK
>> bc                        1.06-2               OK
>> binutils                  2.22.51-2            OK
>> bzip2                     1.0.6-2              OK
>> coreutils                 8.15-1               OK
>> crypt                     1.2-1                OK
>> csih                      0.9.6-1              OK
>> cygrunsrv                 1.40-2               OK
>> cygutils                  1.4.10-2             OK
>> cygwin                    1.7.15-1             OK
>> cygwin-doc                1.7-1                OK
>> dash                      0.5.7-1              OK
>> dbus                      1.4.20-1             OK
>> diffutils                 3.2-1                OK
>> dos2unix                  6.0-1                OK
>> editrights                1.01-2               OK
>> file                      5.11-1               OK
>> findutils                 4.5.9-2              OK
>> gamin                     0.1.10-11            OK
>> gawk                      4.0.1-1              OK
>> gcc4-core                 4.5.3-3              OK
>> gcc4-g++                  4.5.3-3              OK
>> gettext                    OK
>> grep                      2.6.3-1              OK
>> groff                     1.21-2               OK
>> gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.4.2-1              OK
>> gzip                      1.3.12-2             OK
>> ipc-utils                 1.0-1                OK
>> less                      444-1                OK
>> libapr1                   1.4.6-1              OK
>> libaprutil1               1.4.1-1              OK
>> libasn1_8                 1.5.2-2              OK
>> libattr1                  2.4.46-1             OK
>> libbz2_1                  1.0.6-2              OK
>> libcloog0                 0.15.7-1             OK
>> libcom_err2               1.41.14-1            OK
>> libdb4.5                   OK
>> libdbus1_3                1.4.20-1             OK
>> libedit0                  20120311-1           OK
>> libexpat1                 2.1.0-1              OK
>> libfam0                   0.1.10-11            OK
>> libffi4                   4.5.3-3              OK
>> libgcc1                   4.5.3-3              OK
>> libgcrypt11               1.4.6-1              OK
>> libgdbm4                  1.8.3-20             OK
>> libglib2.0_0              2.32.3-2             OK
>> libgmp3                   4.3.2-1              OK
>> libgmpxx4                 4.3.2-1              OK
>> libgnutls26               2.12.14-1            OK
>> libgomp1                  4.5.3-3              OK
>> libgpg-error0             1.10-1               OK
>> libgssapi3                1.5.2-2              OK
>> libheimbase1              1.5.2-2              OK
>> libheimntlm0              1.5.2-2              OK
>> libhx509_5                1.5.2-2              OK
>> libiconv2                 1.14-2               OK
>> libidn11                  1.22-1               OK
>> libintl8                   OK
>> libkafs0                  1.5.2-2              OK
>> libkrb5_26                1.5.2-2              OK
>> liblzma5                  5.0.2_20110517-1     OK
>> liblzo2_2                 2.06-1               OK
>> libmpc1                   0.8-1                OK
>> libmpfr1                  2.4.1-4              OK
>> libmpfr4                  3.0.1-1              OK
>> libncurses10              5.7-18               OK
>> libncurses9               5.7-16               OK
>> libncursesw10             5.7-18               OK
>> libneon27                 0.29.6-2             OK
>> libopenldap2_3_0          2.3.43-3             OK
>> libopenssl098             0.9.8x-1             OK
>> libopenssl100             1.0.1c-1             OK
>> libpcre-devel             8.30-1               OK
>> libpcre0                  8.21-2               OK
>> libpcre1                  8.30-1               OK
>> libpcre16_0               8.30-1               OK
>> libpcrecpp0               8.30-1               OK
>> libpcreposix0             8.30-1               OK
>> libpopt0                  1.6.4-4              OK
>> libppl                    0.10.2-1             OK
>> libpq5                    8.2.11-1             OK
>> libproxy1                 0.4.7-1              OK
>> libreadline6              5.2.14-12            OK
>> libreadline7              6.1.2-3              OK
>> libroken18                1.5.2-2              OK
>> libsasl2                  2.1.25-1             OK
>> libserf0_1                0.7.1-2              OK
>> libserf1_0                1.0.3-1              OK
>> libsigsegv2               2.10-1               OK
>> libsqlite3_0               OK
>> libssp0                   4.5.3-3              OK
>> libstdc++6                4.5.3-3              OK
>> libstdc++6-devel          4.5.3-3              OK
>> libtasn1_3                2.12-1               OK
>> libuuid1                  2.21-1               OK
>> libwind0                  1.5.2-2              OK
>> libwrap0                  7.6-21               OK
>> libX11_6                  1.4.4-1              OK
>> libXau6                   1.0.6-1              OK
>> libxcb1                   1.7-2                OK
>> libXdmcp6                 1.1.0-1              OK
>> login                     1.10-10              OK
>> m4                        1.4.16-1             OK
>> make                      3.82.90-1            OK
>> man                       1.6g-1               OK
>> mingw-binutils            2.21-1               OK
>> mingw-gcc-core            4.5.2-1              OK
>> mingw-gcc-g++             4.5.2-1              OK
>> mingw-pthreads            20110507-1           OK
>> mingw-runtime             3.20-1               OK
>> mingw-w32api              3.17-2               OK
>> mingw64-i686-binutils     2.22.51-3            OK
>> mingw64-i686-gcc          4.5.3-5              OK
>> mingw64-i686-gcc-core     4.5.3-5              OK
>> mingw64-i686-gcc-g++      4.5.3-5              OK
>> mingw64-i686-headers      3.0b_svn4913-1       OK
>> mingw64-i686-pthreads     20100619-4           OK
>> mingw64-i686-runtime      3.0b_svn4913-1       OK
>> mintty                    1.1.1-1              OK
>> nano                      2.2.5-1              OK
>> openssh                   6.0p1-2              OK
>> patch                     2.6.1-1              OK
>> patchutils                0.3.2-1              OK
>> perl                      5.10.1-5             OK
>> rebase                    4.2.0-1              OK
>> run                       1.1.13-1             OK
>> rxvt                      20050409-21          OK
>> sed                       4.2.1-2              OK
>> subversion                1.7.5-1              OK
>> tar                       1.25-1               OK
>> terminfo                  5.7_20091114-14      OK
>> texinfo                   4.13-4               OK
>> tzcode                    2012b-1              OK
>> unzip                     6.0-10               OK
>> w32api                    3.17-2               OK
>> wget                      1.13.4-1             OK
>> which                     2.20-2               OK
>> xz                        5.0.2_20110517-1     OK
>> zip                       3.0-11               OK
>> zlib-devel                1.2.7-1              OK
>> zlib0                     1.2.7-1              OK
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany    g...@gerd-stolpmann.de
> Creator of GODI and camlcity.org.
> Contact details:        http://www.camlcity.org/contact.html
> Company homepage:       http://www.gerd-stolpmann.de
> *** Searching for new projects! Need consulting for system
> *** programming in Ocaml? Gerd Stolpmann can help you.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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