
I've modified some packages, so you can now also use godi to compile
ocaml with the mingw64-x86_64-* packages from cygwin, not only
the *-i686-* ones. If you want to test the changes, you can download
a corresponding bootstrap tarball here: 


The bootstrap process will enable my private test profile, not the
official godi repositories. So don't blame the original maintainers and
authors for anything.

./bootstrap --prefix /opt/godi --w32port mingw64

The prefix path should be inside your cygwin hierarchy, not 

Only section 4.0 is supported. You can also choose 'mingw' instead of
'mingw64' for a 32-bit installation. Most changes  affect the 32-bit
version as well. (I should have chosen another command line switch.
W32PORT is still mingw, regardless if you  choose mingw or mingw64).
I didn't change anything related to '--w32port cygwin' yet.

Suggested cygwin packages (see http://cygwingodi.forge.ocamlcore.org/ ):

binutils  diffutils  gcc-core  gcc  make  ncurses  patch  m4  w32api
gcc-mingw  mingw-w32api  gcc-mingw-core  mingw-runtime
mingw64-*-gcc-core mingw64-*-headers mingw64-*-runtime mingw-gcc-core
bc gzip bzip2 gawk rxvt gzip

For some non ocaml packages (base-*), you also need mingw64-*-g++,
gendef and unzip.

PS: This is my second try to post through gmane.  Please excuse if you
get this message several times.

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