Hello fellow golfers

The latest minigolf were a big success with 42 players, almost doubling the 
last previous record of 24. The usual alien trio on top, but a new player 
to take notice of is Daniel, just 2 strokes behind.

A lot of new players this week, but also a few loyal TPR golfers that 
havent played minigolf before. It was a very fun hole which we can thank 
TopMach for, and a lot of very different approaches, and post mortem master 
mtve have found an 83 by combining a few different approaches.

There were some problems submitting the solutions this time, since there 
were many solutions with "binary" values in them, but i added an "upload 
file" function, so now there should be no more problems.

I have put together a page with player info from the 20 contests that have 
been run so far, with some statistics that can be sorted in different ways. 
Also info about each person with played holes and some more statistics :)

Here are the top 20 on the list, sorted by score.
Ascore = Average score
Arank  = Average rank.

| Rank  | Name                  | Score | Ascore| Arank | Holes |
| 1     | ton                   | 1848  | 97    | 1.26  | 19    |
| 2     | mtve                  | 1570  | 87    | 2.50  | 18    |
| 3     | tybalt89              | 1477  | 86    | 2.18  | 17    |
| 4     | terje                 | 968   | 53    | 6.22  | 18    |
| 5     | Jasper                | 608   | 50    | 9.17  | 12    |
| 6     | topmach               | 577   | 52    | 7.64  | 11    |
| 7     | m.wrenn               | 544   | 34    | 10.31 | 16    |
| 8     | david seed aka gimbo  | 532   | 59    | 8.22  | 9     |
| 9     | p.kailasa             | 508   | 46    | 9.09  | 11    |
| 10    | banshee               | 472   | 42    | 8.82  | 11    |
| 11    | pom                   | 430   | 47    | 10.33 | 9     |
| 12    | andys                 | 393   | 39    | 9.60  | 10    |
| 13    | Peter Haworth         | 354   | 39    | 13.22 | 9     |
| 14    | m.thelen              | 319   | 45    | 8.57  | 7     |
| 15    | Petri Mikkelä         | 266   | 53    | 9.00  | 5     |
| 16    | g.allen               | 256   | 51    | 8.20  | 5     |
| 17    | Sec                   | 242   | 80    | 5.33  | 3     |
| 18    | dkr                   | 210   | 26    | 10.50 | 8     |
| 19    | Bass                  | 200   | 66    | 3.00  | 3     |
| 20    | Adam Antonik          | 167   | 83    | 3.00  | 2     |
| 20    | Daniel                | 167   | 83    | 4.00  | 2     |

If you want to see more statistics : 

Thanks again to all for playing, but there are room for much more.
Eugene have so far only participated once, but since he won that one, he is 
the master on the "Avg score" category with a perfect 100.

Looking forward to the next contest in a few days :)

Terje K

p.s. please send me a note if there is something with my system you dont 
like or would like some new features.

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