On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 12:08:23AM +0000, Ian Phillipps wrote:
> The following was distributed a while ago as "footguy.c".
> Can any golfers duplicate its function in perl using fewer characters?
> There are a couple of literal ^G in here:
> main(l){main(8^putchar(l++["xx77Rd$fR$wPP"]^88)?l:26+fflush(sleep(1))-l);}

        One first, naive try:

        perl -i_ -e'$_||=" oo\n<|>\n_|_\n",s#.$#$&eq$^I?"/":$^I#e while sleep print'

Change the \n for real carriage returns and $^I for hard ^I's and you
can save a few strokes more...

"Basically, I no longer work for anything but the sensation I have while working."
        - Albert Giacometti (sculptor)

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