Some time ago, someone wrote a WordPress plugin to put a video bar in
a WordPress sidebar "widget".  I have never used that plugin.
Apparently it is no longer maintained; it has not been updated since
July 2008, and it hasn't been verified compatible beyond WP 2.6.
Without further investigation, I cannot recommend installing a plugin
that was apparently abandoned so long ago.


Fortunately it is possible to install a Video Bar into the WordPress
sidebar without using a plugin.

If you are using self-hosted WordPress, which you (or your web host)
obtained from WordPress.ORG, try the following procedure to put a
Video Bar into your sidebar.

(NOTE:  This procedure WON'T work for blogs hosted at WordPress.COM.)

Go to your WordPress dashboard.  In the menu at left, click
"Appearance".  In the Appearance sub-options menu, click "Widgets".

In the list of available widgets, find the "Text" widget.  Drag the
"Text" widget into the Sidebar area on the right.  (If you have two
sidebars configured, drag the widget into either Sidebar 1 or Sidebar

The Text widget should immediately open to show a "Title" box and a
large text box.  (If the widget does not automatically open, click the
light-gray triangle at its right to open it.)

In self-hosted WordPress, the Text widget can accept HTML code and,
yes, even script.  Simply paste the code that you obtained from the
Video Bar wizard, into the widget's large text box.  Click the
widget's "Save" button.  View your blog.  The Video Bar should appear
in your WordPress sidebar.

(As noted above:  This solution should work if you are using self-
hosted WordPress, obtained from WordPress.ORG.  If your blog is hosted
at WordPress.COM, you cannot add script to the text widget, AFAIK.)

-- omr

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