
Currently there is only "real" docs for JDO.
I think same documentation should be available for JPA and low-level
Concentrating on practical exmaples.

On Sep 24, 7:09 am, Diana Cruise <diana.l.cru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you supply some briefs on your findings?  This is exactly the
> type of feedback we need in this forum to help us who are starting new
> projects to best decide on what APIs and designs to use.
> For example, if you could summarize your handling of this simple
> relation that is in ALL apps:  Entity A and B are related to each
> other via C.  So, A is 1-many with C and B is 1-many with C...so C is
> a many-to-many.  Surely, you have this in your app.  How do you
> compare your JDO implementation of these 3 Entities with your low-
> level API implementation?  Perhaps you could include some simple code
> to illustrate your points.
> Seems I've only seen very basic examples like Hello World.  Really,
> nothing beyond 1 relation...which is very limited and thus, ALL THE
> Thanks.
> On Sep 23, 4:40 am, dflorey <daniel.flo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've just refactored my app to use Low-Level API instead of JDO and
> > it's much cleaner, works more reliable etc.
> > If you are not really forced to use JDO/JPA I'd strongly recommend to
> > use the very simple, elegant and clean Low-Level API.
> > BigTable simply is not a relational db, so it is highly misleading to
> > fake a relational wrapper and to me it caused lots of pain.
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