It's not the question if it's worth learning Maven.
It's the question how to read log files locally.

Would it be possible to run the Google admin console locally and read
the log files?

On 15 okt, 20:48, Rusty Wright <> wrote:
> Think long term; maven is a mountain worth climbing.
> Esteban Masoero wrote:
> > Allright, that could work.
> > However, as my current project is indeed a small project, I don't feel
> > like adding maven to it, because it would involve learning maven and
> > configuring it only to solve that problem. So althought I'll have that
> > in mind, I'd rather see whether there's another easier way to solve this.
> > Any other ideas?
> > Esteban
> > Rusty Wright escribió:
> >> This is one of those places where maven can really help.  With maven I 
> >> think what I would do is create 2 log configuration files for log4j 
> >> (although I prefer logback and slf4j, but that's a separate topic), one 
> >> with local logging to a file and the console, and one with logging only to 
> >> the console.  Then set up maven profiles, call them dev and prod, and when 
> >> you build, maven's filtering capabilities rewrite whatever config file 
> >> you're using that specifies the log config file.  (It doesn't rewrite it 
> >> in place, but before it puts it in the war file.)  If you don't have a 
> >> config file that specifies the log config file I'm pretty sure you can 
> >> have maven use the appropriate log config file via the profile you select 
> >> when you build.
> >> In this GAE development environment you may not even need all of that.  
> >> With maven you have 2 trees, main, where the production code and resources 
> >> live, and test, where your unit and integration test code lives, and their 
> >> resources.  Notice how each has their own resources directory; that's 
> >> where I put my log4j config files, one for main, and one for test.  When I 
> >> do a build maven only includes the stuff from the tree named main; the 
> >> tree test never sees the light of day, as it were.
> >>
> >>
> >> Marcel Overdijk wrote:
> >>> Esteban, that's indeed THE question !
> >>> Did you tried to deploy a app with a file appender? What happened?
> >>> On 14 okt, 18:01, Esteban Masoero <> wrote:
> >>>> I tried configuring a file appender with log4j and it worked only in
> >>>> development environment, because as we know, no file writing is allowed
> >>>> in production environment.
> >>>> Maybe the question should be: is there an easy way to define a file
> >>>> appender so I can use only locally, but without having to change that
> >>>> .properties when deploying on production environment?
> >>>> If anyone has the answer, I'll appreciate it.
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> Esteban
> >>>> आलोक (Alok) escribió:
> >>>>> hm, I'm not sure if
> >>>>> request_logs myapp/ mylogs.txt
> >>>>> would work for the java app as well. Has anyone used this for their
> >>>>> java app?
> >>>>> On 14 अक्तू, 12:50, leszek <> wrote:
> >>>>>> For me default ConsoleAppender is enough, I see log messages on
> >>>>>> console while running in Eclipse and can view log messages via admin
> >>>>>> console in production environment. But I did not try to define any
> >>>>>> other appenders, so can guess only what would happen.
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