Joel Weight wrote a data store service that I thought was easy to understand.  Reading 
his code made me realize that what's in the data store is basically the fields of the 
object, without the object itself; therefore to "re-hydrate" an object from the 
data store, you first instantiate/new the object, then fetch its row from the data store, 
then for each property you got from the data store, call the object's setter with it.

philip wrote:
Hi All,

I want to use the low level datastore, I looked at the documentation
and it looks ... complex.

Basically, I have a client program which needs to create tables and
their entities dynamically, so the columns would change over time.
This does not fit well with JDO as it works for fixed column entitys
that are annotated. So I thought to use the low level API but it looks
difficult. Is there any example code around?

Alternatively, can someone suggest another way?


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