On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Max Ross (Google)
<maxr+appeng...@google.com> wrote:
> user-defined long-id keys are not quite as easily used.  You either need to
> commit to not letting the datastore generate ids for that kind or you need
> to reserve a batch of ids using the DatastoreService.allocateIds method.
> Otherwise you run the risk of a silent collision.  There is no such risk
> with user-defined string keys.

Right, but if the user has a natural key (long, String, whatever) they
won't be using the generator anyways.  There are plenty of natural
long keys in the world... facebook userid being a popular one.

FWIW, Objectify makes the distinction between ids of type Long, which
can be null and thus autogenerated, and long (the primitive) which
cannot be autogenerated.  I really hadn't intended to plug Objectify
here, really!

> Valid point about renaming, but going back to the example I provided, the
> datastore does not distinguish between inserts and updates.  The only way
> you can guarantee that an entity was inserted, and therefore the only way
> you can guarantee the uniqueness of the name, is to use a user-defined key.
> If you're mapping id to name it will be possible to create two entities with
> the same name.  It's of course up to you to decide how important this is to
> defend against, but without the ability to provide your own id you wouldn't
> get to make this choice, and without the ability to provide your own string
> id you wouldn't be able to add some application-specific meaning to this
> choice.

I totally agree with you WRT user-defined vs generated values, I just
don't see anything wrong with using the long id as a user-defined
value.  Just make sure you never ask for a generated one.  Seems
pretty straightforward.


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