I wrote it to the Datastore myself using the low-level API.

But socket I/O would be nice in the development environment.

Steve Pritchard

On Mar 6, 12:06 pm, Steve Pritchard <> wrote:
> I was looking for a way to persist my MemCache so I could do
> production like testing in development mode to make sure I correctly
> handle various use cases.
> I tried writing a file using the technique described in
> but it failed for the same reason. (Security exception
> access denied
> ( .\persist\cache.byt write)
> Is there a way to persist MemCache between server restarts. I have not
> found in the documentation.
> I want to avoid writing via Datanucleus because I am trying to do a
> warm start without hitting the startup latency that it involves.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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