Ok so either I'm doing something really stupid or I can't get a simple
task to execute.  I have defined a task worker at /tasks/foo.

I can hit /tasks/foo no problem and the code executes fine (just a
simple servlet of course).  The problem is when I add a task to the
queue like:


I can't seem to get the code in the task servlet to execute.  If I
check the queue in admin console it shows a task executed and in the
request logs it shows that /foo/task was called and returned 200, but
the code never executed.  Just to make sure I wasn't insane I modified
the task servlet to simply throw a RuntimeException so it would return
500.  When invoked manually, it returns 500 as expected, but when
invoked through the task queue, it shows /tasks/foo returning 200.
Any ideas?

Here is the request log.  The first request is the one i invoked
manually from the browser and the second is one invoked by the task
queue.  It shows the first returning 500 (as expected) but the second
returns 200.

      03-05 06:38PM 54.097 /tasks/foo 500 37ms 38cpu_ms 3kb Mozilla/
5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/
20100202 Firefox/3.5.8,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)

      03-05 06:37PM 54.803 /tasks/foo 200 60ms 19cpu_ms 3kb AppEngine-
Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)

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