Thanks for the report David, this certainly seems suspicious.  There is at
least one memory leak I'm aware of but it's related to transactions so
that's probably not what you're bumping into.  Have you tried taking a heap
dump to see what exactly is building up?

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:27 PM, David Fuelling <> wrote:

> I have a JUnit test class that is attempting to test some JPA
> datastore "create" operations, and I'm getting results that *seem* to
> indicate a memory leak in the EntityManagerFactory (?)  Basically, if
> I use "test1a" (see below), the heap in use by the JUnit test process
> continually increases until the JUnit test fails with an OutOfMemory
> error.  Test1b suffers from no such problem.
> I would not expect this type of behavior from test1a because even
> though I'm creating a new EntityManager upon every for-loop iteration,
> that "em" should go away after every for-loop iteration since the
> variable reference is replaced with a new EntityManager each time.
> Now, one might argue that my test is just going too fast, and the GC
> isn't getting a chance to Garbage Collect.  However, Test1a takes a
> pretty long time to execute on my machine (> 120 seconds), so I
> *should* be getting some GC, right?  Unless the EntityManagerFactory
> is holding onto a reference to each created EntityManager?
> Any input here would be much appreciated...
> Thanks!
> david
> ps - my "UserImpl" is a standard JPA entity.
> ///////////////////////////////
> //Begin JUnit Test #1a
> ///////////////////////////////
> User user = null;
> EntityManager em = null;
> for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
> {
>  //See how I get an em here:
>  em = EMF.get().createEntityManager();
>  user = new UserImpl("test" + i);
>  em.persist(user);
>  em.close();
> }
> ///////////////////////////////
> //End Test #1b
> ///////////////////////////////
> ///////////////////////////////
> //Begin JUnit Test #1b
> ///////////////////////////////
> User user = null;
> EntityManager em = EMF.get().createEntityManager();
> for(int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
> {
>  user = new UserImpl("test" + i);
>  em.persist(user);
> }
> em.close();
> ///////////////////////////////
> //End Test #1b
> ///////////////////////////////
> --
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