no, sorry :( . i want (kind of) server side redirect. you can think of a
scenario where multiple applications are hosted in a single google appengine
app but each app has to respond to its own unique domain. all the
applications are handled by a master application. master application will
accept all incoming requests, check the domain in the request and pass the
request to the application the request is mapped to.

for example: is mapped to MyHomeApp is mapped to MyGalleryApp is mapped to MyTestApp
all the apps have a main servlet (which you will map to /* in web.xml if you
are not doing what i am trying to do), say HomeServlet, GalleryServlet and
TestServlet. now if MasterServlet (mapped in web.xml to /*) receives a
request which matches*, it will pass that request to
HomeSevlet; if it receives a request of type*, it will
pass the request to TestServlet.

now here are my doubts :

is it possible to transfer request from one servlet to another servlet ?
MasterServlet to HomeServlet for example.

is calling new HomeServlet().doGet() from MainServlet just fine (same as
mapping HomeServlet to /* in web.xml) ?


On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Brandon Donnelson

> Do you mean: response.sendRedirect(url);
> Brandon Donnelson
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