
I just posted a similar question to yours:

My successUrl is being called but it only works if I'm using the
default version of the app. Put a System.out or a logger statement in
your success page and check the logs on the AppEngine console to see
if it goes thru your default version.

Do you get back any error in your browser? error 500 or some other

You can only do a redirect in the success page (3xx return codes), you
cannot return any content, did you know that??

Hope that helps

On May 23, 12:49 pm, Daniel Florey <daniel.flo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess I'm just dumb, but please help me anyway ;-)
> I've just tried to upload a blob into the blobstore. When I upload the blobs
> I can see an entry for each upload in the __BlobUploadSession__ table.
> I also can see in there that the success path is properly set, but my mapped
> servlet is never called. (I can call it from the browser though, so it seems
> to be mapped correctly).
> Do I have to enable some option on the devserver so that the success path
> servlet will be called once the upload is complete?
> Thanks for any hints,
> Daniel

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