
I have following table hierarchy ...

*Content* class is parent class with one child entity of type
*ContentData*. *ContentData* has a sub-class *ContentTextHTML*.

*ContentData* class has following annotations:

@PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true")
@Discriminator(column = "Type", strategy =
DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP, value = "content")

*ContentTextHTML* class has following annotations:

@PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true")
@Discriminator(value = "text-html")

I created one entity of type *Content* with child of type
*ContentTextHTML*, saved it to datastore successfully. Now, if I
restart my server in hosted mode or re-deploy in production mode, I
get following error while retrieving the entity. But if I create one
more entity of same type that error will be gone.

Am I wrong somewhere ? Is it a bug ???

Uncaught exception from servlet

javax.jdo.JDOUserException: Cannot get the class for entity <Entity
        Type = text-html
        Content = <Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Maecenas por...> (unindexed)
        Title = Lorem ipsum dolor

This can happen if the meta data for the subclasses of
com.claymus.site.module.content.ContentType is not yet loaded! You may
want to consider using the datanucleus autostart mechanism to tell
datanucleus about these classes.

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