Why not select the two different Apps with your app.yaml file
- url: /app1/.*
  script: App1.py

- url: /app2/.*
  script: App2.py

Or you can put both handlers in one py file and select the one you need with

class App1Handler(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def get(self,todo):
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
      [('/app1/(.*)', App1Handler),
       ('/app2/(.*)', App2Handler),

If they need to use the same data then they must be uploaded under 1 app ID.
You have one administrator per mobile phone, and an administrator can
have 10 application IDs.

2009/1/12 arnie <parvez...@rediffmail.com>:
> Hi all
> Using Google App Engine SDK with default port setting of 8080. I have
> two WSGI applications [App1 and App2 both are web services with no UI
> related code in them]. App1 is running on default port 8080. Can dev
> server listens for multiple web applications on same port? If no, then
> what other ports can be used?
> Also these two apps need to access two tables [1 To Many
> relationship], when we go to deploy these apps on GAE do I need
> seperate application ID for these two apps [I think:YES but google
> DOCS says per mobile phone # there is only one app ID]?
> Can these two applications be able to access the common data model or
> do I need to do some special coding for this?
> Thanks from a GAE fresher
> arnie
> >

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