That means that there cannot be a change in the models definitions

v2 of an app is presumably for testing, so the data there need not be
If the data in v1 needs to be preserved after the switch to v2
one can always dump and restore the db.

On Jan 11, 10:01 pm, Alexander Kojevnikov <>
> The entities in the datastore are shared, the code and static files
> are not.
> I don't think splitting the datastore per app version is such a good
> idea. What if the data is added to v1 of the datastore while you are
> testing v2? At the same time you are modifying your v2 datastore
> (otherwise, you wouldn't need different datastores per app version).
> You would have to merge somehow the data from v1 to v2 before
> switching to v2.
> On Jan 12, 1:46 pm, Roman <> wrote:
> > It appears that different versions of an app share the db. Do they
> > share other stuff? Is it possible to have a separate db for each
> > version? A pointer to a precise definition of what constitutes a
> > version of an app would be appreciated (
> > appengine/docs/configuringanapp.html doesn't tell me much).
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