You can add a random number after the url. For instance,

url=url+'?'+ random.random()

Good luck.


My app needs to get a fresh copy of a dynamic webpage page every few

minutes.  I am fetching date from a URL with this function:

def getUrlData(url):

    result = urlfetch.fetch(url, headers = {'Cache-Control' : 'no-

cache', 'Pragma' : 'no-cache'})

    if(result.status_code != 200):

         logging.error( "Error getting URL data: %d" %


         return None

    logging.warn("Fetch %s response headers: %s" % (url, repr


    return result.content

However, it seems like I am still getting cached data.  The logging

statement output the following:

Fetch [URL] response headers: {'Content-Length': '21883', 'X-Google-

Cache-Control': 'remote-cache-hit', 'Age': '    633', 'Expires': 'Mon,

02 Mar 2009 23:49:23 GMT', 'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'Server':

'Apache', 'last-modified': 'Mon, 02 Mar 2009 23:34:23 GMT',

'Connection': 'close', 'Via': 'HTTP/1.1 GWA (remote cache hit)',

'Cache-control': 'public; max-age=600', 'Date': 'Mon, 02 Mar 2009

23:34:23 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1'}

Does anyone know how to ensure a fresh page?


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