+1 for barryhunter's first comment.  Four years of development on GAE 
suggests, that in general, parity between the dev server and production has 
not been a problem. Uploading an app has been expedited recently and is 
adequate for its purposes but it will need to become sub-second to be 
considered as a development cycle option. 

Here is some real hard data, from a real app, with real functionality used 
by real users. Who can  wait for one minute, for each set of edits, in the 
21st century?

$ appcfg.py --secure update ...
Application: ...; version: 1-7-31
Host: appengine.google.com

Starting update of app: ..., version: 1-7-31
Scanning files on local disk.
Scanned 1500 files.
Cloning 191 static files.
Cloned 100 files.
Cloning 1538 application files.
Compilation starting.
Compilation completed.
Starting deployment.
Checking if deployment succeeded.
Will check again in 1 seconds.
Deployment successful.
Checking if updated app version is serving.
Uploading index definitions.
Uploading cron entries.
Uploading task queue entries.

*real 1m0.530s*
user 0m4.110s
sys 0m0.320s

It also allows to develop while disconnected from the internet. And if you 
apply the suggested work arounds the dev server's performance becomes great 
for dev. purposes.

Regarding the comment: "I thought the SDK was just something that was 
invented so you could tell your boss… “If Google ever kills GAE they’ll 
give 180 days notice and we could run on the SDK for another 180 days, 
plenty of time to port the code to Azure”"

This was exactly what it was not invented to be :-) Even when the notice is 
three years...


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