  In terms of Gradle vs Buck models, is there any possibility of writing a
tool that takes a Buck build file and produces Gradle files? That would
seem like a good option in lieu of waiting for Buck support in IntelliJ and
Eclipse. This isn't to say I have anything against Buck, it is literally a
clone of Google's BUILD system, and so that would actually help us to have
just one set of build files for internal vs external. However, it would be
nice not to have to hack the IDE stuff manually.

If Buck is like Google's BUILD, then a genrule could be used to download
dependencies from Maven repos. ;-)

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Thomas Broyer <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 6:20:19 PM UTC+2, Ray Cromwell wrote:
>> The biggest problem with being a GWT contributor today is that it is
>> hard, very hard, to set up an environment to develop. If you look at the
>> original GWT instructions for Eclipse, and that was *with* already provided
>> .project/.classpath files, it was ridiculous. Starting from scratch is even
>> harder.
>> My dream for mavenization was
>> a) fixing the spaghetti soup of cyclic dependencies so that IDEs would
>> have less trouble modeling the project layout
>> b) having a cross IDE platform representation of the project
> +1
>> The way GWT exists today, after years of working with it, requires me to
>> spend over an hour configuring a new IntelliJ project from scratch if I
>> want to do it right, be able to develop both user and dev, be able to run
>> unit tests in the IDE, be able to debug the compiler in the IDE, etc.
>> Ant is fine for command line builds, but it sucks for a) and b), and its
>> flexibility has allowed the GWT source tree to have a structure that would
>> not be tolerated by other build tools -- sometimes too much power is bad. I
>> don't have any particular love for Maven, I'd be fine with Buck or Gradle
>> (IntelliJ seems to have some support for Gradle), but the biggest issue for
>> me is, I don't want to spend an hour fiddling with IDE sub-projects,
>> hand-adding library dependencies (oh wait, which project needs
>> tomcat-jk2.jar?), etc.
> Looking at Gradle currently for work, support in Eclipse is rather good
> too. IDE support is much more easily done with Gradle than with Maven,
> because of their design. I'm writing a blog post about my issues with Maven
> that'll talk about that, will publish it soon.
> Even on the GWT team at Google, members have taken to rather absurd
>> techniques like creating one working set of IPR/IML files, and copy/pasting
>> them everytime you start a new repository or branch because they have often
>> forget the precise order of magic tricks they used to set up the build the
>> first time.
> +1 to what Brian said re. checking the .iml et al. in the Git repo; and
> add Konstantin as a reviewer ;-)
> IMHO, here should be how someone contributes to GWT:
>> git clone http://some-repo
>> IDE open-project some-repo
>> git branch
>> hack hack hack
>> run tests/debug in IDE
>> git commit
>> git push
>> Any more steps than that and I think you've lost.
> +1
> (OK, I wouldn't mind an intermediate "download dependencies once and for
> all" after the "git clone" if needed; oh, and you should probalby do a
> command-line build –or at least using "the build tool"– before pushing, but
> that's a detail, and the current state of the Ant build is the main reason
> I don't do it today)
> --
> ---
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