As we look at how to keep migrating GWT provided user modules to modern 
best practices, the JUnit runner is a hairy one - it relies on a lot of the 
practices we discourage, including a great many modules in GWT that we 
might prefer it not use. It also assumes

As has been discussed on other lists, Google has an internal APT-based 
JUnit runner that presumably emits some Java and/or JS to enable some 
JS-based test running tools to iterate through the required tests and 
notify the user of failing code, including hints as to why it failed, with 
stack traces, etc. It has been previously discussed that this might be 
something that could be shared in whole or in part with the open source 
community, time permitting.

Is this still in the cards? Can any aspects of this implementation be 
discussed ahead of time so we can prepare our own tests for it? For 
example, does it use JUnit 4, and if so, can it use Rules, or just 
before/after methods? 


Along similar lines, I did some work last fall to try to get JUnit 5 tests 
to work in a browser, but stopped shortly after working out how to replace 
the Engine with one that could in theory hand off control to a browser, and 
report back when complete. My idea was that if the JVM could dictate which 
tests were available to run, then JUnit 4 emulation could work, and JUnit 5 
wiring would just ask our custom engine to transpile and run those tests, 
and report back all results in the familiar junit xml, with the expected 
build tool and IDE integration. This still might be worth pursuing, perhaps 
in parallel with any work Google already has working and is able to share.


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